On the farmers suicides! The 2011 population census will give the number of farmers correctly? Or, we will resort to fudge figures like BPL and APL? And also hide figures for the farmers’ suicides? Farmer’s suicides: the eligibility criteria are a great insult to our sense humanity! Farmers’ suicides? A boring news? Yes, it has…
USA, EU and Japan alone give massive 219 billion dollar farm subsidies to their farmers.
This distorts international trade and directly hits Indian agriculture! Reforms in agriculture as urgent as in other economic sectors! Let us think out of the box! Yes, the monsoons seem to be timely this year, after, we are told, nearly three decades! India is monsoon-dependent agricultural economy and 70 per cent of the country’s agricultural…
American optimism
For the Americans and the rest of the world Education’s one more duty! To impart optimism to a people! Just now, we read through a longish book review in one of the international journals. It is about the latest two new books on American history. The 20th century America and to be exact the first…
“Who is the Tribal Affairs Minister of this country?”
Asks Sonia Gandhi’s high power advisory council member! Where to start shedding tears and where to stop? With the spate of killings and mass deaths The Maoists menace needs tough tackling! Armchair talks likely on tribal India development issues! First it was ambush and mindless killings of CRPF jawans. The toll at 76 was thought…
Letter to Mrs.Gandhi : TN Congress
Bangalore Date : 01.06.2010 Mrs. Sonia Gandhi, President, Indian National Congress, 24, Akbar Road, New Delhi-100 000 Dear Mrs.Gandhi, Sub: Tamil Nadu Congress Alliance – regarding You must have seen the news report that the DMK’s highest policy making body met and deliberated the Rajya Sabha nominees and also about taking into its alliance the…
One year of UPA-II
Prime Minister after his press conference Faster developments, disasters, unwelcome events and much else! The latest series of Maoist-triggered mass killings tests the state There is urgency for new strategies to combat these senseless killings and to restore the state to its democratic core. This also calls for much soul searching and we have to…
National Advisory Council created!
Sonia Gandhi would head it Is it not a parallel PMO? Is the timing right? One more bureaucratic layer? One more bureaucratic hurdle for the people? Sonia Gandhi is already burdened with a heavy workload! Why not Rahul Gandhi heads the NAC? And the Youth Congress can monitor the government’s various development schemes and programmes….
Vikraman, the Tamil literature icon!
Living Tolstoy of modern Tamil literature! I came back to my office in Bangalore after nearly ten days in the countryside. As usual I met and interacted with a wide variety of people, political and social activists and writers, poets and NGO enthusiasts and others. Since, my home is in Coimbatore where the big state…