Mr.Rahul Gandhi MP, Tuglak lane. New Delhi Dear Mr.Rahul Gandhi, Sub: Congress affairs in Tamil Nadu-regarding I an old Congress member from Tamil Nadu. As you may be interested to know that I had moved closely with Pandit Nehru and Kamaraj and other senior leaders in the early 1960s and also worked at the AICC…
Jyoti Basu and the Left legacy in West Bengal
Whenever a high personality, a very senior ideological patriach like Jyoti Basu, 95, passes away, it is natural we tend to become emotional and sentimental. Jyoti Basu is a man from another age, as seen now in the context of current West Bengal politics and the sort of hotch-potch politics that rules in the name…
Letter to Sri Motilal Vohra, Member, Congress Working Committee,
Sri Motilal Vohra, Member, Congress Working Committee, Indian National Congress, 24, Akbar Road, New Delhi-100 001 Dear Sri Motilal Vohraji, Sub: The working of the Congress party and the image of the government-regarding I hope this letter finds your attention, given how busy everyone of us is! I am a Congressman for long, since the…
Indian democracy
The biggest mass education programme? There is a sense of helplessness all over India. There are some unforeseen developments. A series of fast developments have exposed the UPA-II to a situation where the Bhopal gas tragedy verdict came in as a trigger. There is no adequate response, to put midly, from the highest decision makers….
Sankagiri fort and town
Convert the historic site as a tourist destination! Book Review Sankagiri Fort and Town history Author:K.Karunakaran, Published by Priyadharshini Publications, Old Eadpady Road,Sankagiri-637 301 Salem District, Tamil Nadu Pages 228,Rs. 160/ This is a rare regional history and archeology book. The author Mr.Karunakaran is a highly qualified student of history, an M.A. in history and…
What is accountability in a democracy?
Bhopal gas tragedy and the Indian government What the Prime Minister must be doing? Come before the public,seek an open and public apology! As the BP has done in the USA! Say sorry, deeply sorry! There is a huge growth and psychologically a great upsurge too in the mindset of the new middle classes. First,…
So, the Indian media is failing the Indian people?
Media is becoming cowardly and now more corrupt too! Paid news exposed the big newspapers! Now, the some of the big newspapers demonstrate shocking cowardliness. Towards the more corrupt and fascist governments that arm twist the newspaper owners and editors too, Mr.B.G.Verghese, the senior most editor and veteran newspaper man has exposed how the Press…
Maoists’ latest outrages
A grand reconciliation strategy is called for! Prime Minister must hold dialogue with intellectuals and human right activists In two years some 21 massacres! Of innocent, unarmed civilians most of the victims! Even the CRPF jawans innocent only! Home Minister says only limited mandate There is a serious rage and debate! Sonia Gandhi writes an…