Big money and big corruption could destabilise governance and Weaken pro-poor programmes Rich-poor divide deepens. Poverty persists. India has problems. Why hide them, why neglect them! A democracy like India is susceptible to crises! A confident India on the global stage, asks a news headline in the London-Financial Times. This could be a left-handed compliment….
Literary journals/Learned journals
I am a subscriber to some literary journals published in India. Of course, I am a reader of some of the world’s leading literary review journals, notably, the 100 and odd year old Times Literary Supplement, TLS of great fame. TLS has been a reading habit with me, now, I don’t know for how many…
Rural-Urban India churning!
Bangalore, India’s future face! The best and brightest Indian youth throng to Bangalore! High-tech India arrives on a bullock cart! 2,30,000 engineers, most of them young, are working in Bangalore IT firms and outsourcing companies. China has a tech work force of 1,80,000 engineers. China is one year behind India. While other countries, even in…
India, a growth story?
Not rate of growth! But the composition of our growth that is critical Lessons from China and warnings too from China! India under global pressure to perform? Why compare India and China increasingly? Lakshmi Mittal, the London based Indian iron and steel maker says India would face massive shortfall in steel production. The government must…
Letter to Mrs.Sonia Gandhi
Mrs.Sonia Gandhi, President, Indian National Congress 24, Akbar Road, New Delhi-1o0 011 Dear Mrs. Gandhi, Sub: The case of Dr.Kalimani Babu -Congress activist and leader -application for Rajya Sabha -regarding Dr.Kalaimani Babu is a medical practitioner who has sacrificed her profession for working for the Congress party full-time in Tamil Nadu. As a lady and…
Agriculture is not well-served by the urban media!
There is no other media support as well. Our TV channels are still entertainment oriented! The Indian agriculture is supposed to be the largest economic and social sector. This much is admitted and appreciated. But there is no real appreciation as there are no bodies where the farmers representatives or spokespersons are prominently allowed or…
Obama comes to India with a heavy mind!
US unemployment unrelenting! Obama is obsessed with Bangalore’s competition to American jobs! Our government tries to prove more loyal than the king! The civil nuclear liability bill to be passed with so many doubts uncleared! Will the Indian people trust Prime Minister’s many promises to the previous US government? Obama is an intelligent man! He…
Kamal Nath blasts the armchair advisers!
Takes on Montek Ahluwalia! The targets and the implications of his open talk can’t be missed! Kamal Nath has now spoken out. So openly. He is perhaps one of the first to reflect the frustrations of the aam aadmi with the way the UPA-II is dithering. The media, we mean ,the rather discerning media and…