The next two years! Till the next General Elections in 2014! Critical for very many big projects to take-off! Labour unrest, big infrastructure projects like Delhi Metro Express PPP model, Chennai-Bangalore Industrial Corridor etc FDI, India-China, India-Japan and South Korean industrial ventures all need to be tackled on a war footing! Is there the will-power?…
Can we hope Pranab Mukerjee would restore the equilibrium in the Indian polity?
Today, Indian politics is, to use a colloquial term, in a tizzy. First, the government is in an unstable situation. Why, the very governance is almost derailed. The Prime Minister might hold on but he is too much exposed to various criticisms. His word doesn’t carry much weight. There is not much indication that the…
Deeply moving, deeply touching!
A memoir of a son of his highly talented and highly committed parents! Parental failures at the higher levels? Yes, this book is a painful reminder of this truth? I like to ask after reading this otherwise deeply moving, deeply touching memoir of a son of his very highly talented and committed parents. The later…
Prime Minister is clearly overworked!
He is simply exhausted! He had flown around 50 hours in one week! His eight-day tour took him across 50,000 km in four continents! Is such hard work worth? Why international diplomacy at this time of the crisis-ridden domestic situation? What about the economic slow-down and when governance is almost at a standstill? Prime Minister’s…
Presidential Election in India
A Plea for a Conscience Vote! P.A.Sangma is the “Opposition” candidate An open and democratic contest is all the more good for a mature democracy/The new cohesion and also the new contradictions in the party ranks is all the more goof as a public education for the politicians who have become all the more cynical…
Two Nobel Laureates: One American and one Bengali!
Prof.Joseph Stieglitz speaks about Mamata Government’s land policy Prof.Amartya Sen keeps mum for far too long! Prof.Sen has a duty to West Bengal! When the state is burning, almost! Prof.Amartya Sen is typically a Bengali bhadralok, that is, he is well-educated and a Nobel Laureate at that and as such he had brought to much…
States : good, bad and plainly hopeless ones?
Elections in the states Does development gets any attention? Or it is all votebank politics, big money and violation of election code of conduct? Everyone, even the media, is talking about UP elections outcome. It is the make and break moment for Rahul Gandhi, they say. Is it all then about one person, one party…
Policy paralysis or a paralysis of will and self-confidence?
PMO is now getting noticed? Or, becoming controversial? As we go to press we learn the Prime Minister has constituted a group under the leadership of the Finance Minister to study the post-G2 issues. This is a wise step. The UP election is the only time when India was seen active and engaged. There were…