Janata Parivar takes on the Modi government! The six-party front could become the new catalyst! India needs two broad fronts, one Centre-Right and Centre-Left! That will strengthen the democratic system and also help to clean up the current distortions! Also, the new Supreme Court judgement to undo the caste-based census would ensure the modern, secular…
Stop the celebrations! Start doing things!
Put in some hard labour! What is happening on the healthcare front? It is like an emergency, how many know? Time to call to an end the celebrations and start and sit, do some hard labour! Reuters news agency reported on December23,2014 that the 2014-15 that the healthcare Budget was going to be cut by…
Indian agriculture: the critical sector
What the government’s vision and agenda? Industry leaders demand priority for the farm sector In a pre-budget consultation with the captains of industry the industry leaders called for priority for farm productivity, raise rural incomes and promote inclusive growth.CII president Ajay Shriram said thi. Fine, fine! Indian agriculture is both strong as well as weak….
Sri Lanka’s elections
What lessons are there for India? Yes, there seem to be some lessons India can learn from Sri Lanka The just concluded Sri Lankan general elections were more than an election in India’s neighbouring nation. Sri Lanka ,many Indians may not know, why even in other countries might not know had the most Westminster-type Constitution…
Who make the Indian elite?
What can we expect from the current scene by way of enlightenment? Indian elite wherever they are must speak out for India and take India forward in the world forums. India in 2014 had undergone a great transformation. With the election of a new government, with BJP with an absolute majority there is no doubt…
Transforming India
Prof.Amartya Sen says ‘Modi gives faith that things can happen?’ Why be enigmatic, become more specific, make sense to the common man! Why Modi created fear in the intellectuals? In his own party there is silence on the part of progressive elements! Prime Minister Modi has “abolished “the Planning Commission that was in existence for…
Prof.Devesh Kapur
American Indian academic on Indian education Prof.Devesh Kapur expresses disappointment on education. He warns about how we can’t take the middle class euphoria seriously. The middle class could be progressive at some time but other times it could easily turn into a reactionary force. So, one has to educate the middle class opinions in the…
Modi has to win the liberal and enlightened public opinion!
If he is to win credibility for his slogan-type ideas! Why are the intellectuals, liberal elite, silent? Where are we with Modi slogans? Development, governance, make in India, clean India etc Fine, why are the Westernised elite within the BJP itself are intriguingly silent? It is now more than six months with Modi in position…