There must be a way to stop this national shame! Is this not a national scandal? This spate of farmers ‘s suicides after a two generation efforts in ending food scarcity and ushering in the Green Revolution and ensuing self-sufficiency in food production? Now, at a time and a critical phase of our agricultural modernisation…
Prime Minister’s powers under the Constitution
Peoples’ faith in democratic processes should not be undermined! In a year and so Mr.Narendra Modi has transformed India from a distraught nation into a very vibrant and optimistic country. There is a hope and expectation on a wider front. India’s profile on the international front is now perhaps at the highest point since the…
Agriculture crisis deepens?
Maharashtra records the highest number of farmers’ suicides in 2014 with,2568 cases. The state recorded the highest number. An otherwise rich and advanced state with a poor rural development record, right? Then comes Chhattisgarh with 443 cases, then, Telengana and Madhya Pradesh. Yes, the reports on the farmers’ suicides don’t subside! You open a Sunday…
Make agriculture viable!
This is the mandate for the government! Some simple common sense proposals! Monsoon uncertainties are an integral part of agriculture. Anywhere and in any country. This must be widely known. So, any screaming headlines, in the print or TV media must not make much of any sense and must not create any alarm either. The…
Agriculture in times of high farmers’ suicides!
Yes, this year(2014-05) alone farmers’ suicides have gone up to a record 26 per cent, says the National crime Record Bureau, also quoted by noted agri expert and commentator Devinder Sharma. Rahul Gandhi had paid a mandatory visit to the suicide-victim family of Punjab. The media highlights news only when it can catch the viewership…
Advani’s Bombshell!
Another Emergency, now under Modi possible? L.K.Advani, 87, is no ordinary voice. He is perhaps the senior most BJP leader, next only to Vajpee. Old timers, intellectuals like Jaswant Singh were shunted out unceremonially. Now, with Mr.Narendra Modi as the all-powerful Prime Minister, with the BJP party and the government under the tight control of…
Agricultural credit, always the weak link in farmer’s lives
There is a book before us. Feeding the Baniaya, peasants and Usurers in Western India by David Hardiman(OUP).We are sure that at least some of the serious students of agriculture and rural development might have read this very insightful book. It traces the hold of the private money lenders, they come in many names and…
Maximum governance and minimum government!
One Year of Modi government! What are the highlights? Yes, there are some serious letups too! We are a mature democracy, right? What does that mean? We have to be balanced, open-minded and also objective. On these criteria there are some great moments in Modi’s one year and also serious drawbacks when it comes to…