India bans wheat exports!And that disrupts and creates a global food crisis!What sort of Indian Agri policy is likely to tackle Indian agriculture’s many challenges? Today and tomorrow? Recently, the British journal, the Economist, has carried a leading editorial on the world food shortage and its implications for the likely world food crisis and famine…
British Prime Minister’s visit to India
And our trade deals in agriculture, food processing and much else! The recent visit of the British Prime Minister Boris Johnson to India was more important to Britain. That to India in our view and this might not have struck to many in India, given the long history of our two country and the very…
What ails Indian education?
It is high time to ask some tough questions? Scarcity of talents in India? Yes, it looks like that! Why the Indian talents are missing in the current ruling dispensation? Whom to blame? Which sector is failing us? Education? Very likely! Yes, if you look around and search for the culprit education is certainly the…
Education today in India right now is in bigmess
Yes, we have to build a large education infrastructure. More high quality universities. Reverse the trend of outward migration for higher education. Kerala takes a pro-capita list turn? one important change in its party ideology is to invite private players in education. to invest in private universities. Maybe in earlier times this sort of ideological…
Agriculture in India and China
An open society and closed society We in India seem to read more about Chinese agriculture than about the Indian agriculture! There is revolutionary agri research news from Beijing and we in India must take note of this new developments. Why China is ahead of India in agri research? TIME HAS COME TO TAKE EFFORTS…
Confusion or clarity in the ongoing education crisis?
Two years of education gap has led to great uncertainties In- person learning has to integrate with the inevitable online learning process.Children’s learning curriculum needs a radical revamp to suit the current private sector. Teaching of hardcore ethics on the evil effects of the new education tools is the priority in the children’s (LKG, UKG,)…
Prof.A.C.Grayling’s bold initiative in London
To cut the story short we like to make a bold suggestion. It is high time to bring in some reputed private foreign universities to establish their campuses here. Such names like Harvard,Yale or MIT ,if they are persuaded to establish their campuses there would be a mental revolution in the minds of the current…
The cutoff marks syndrome!
The cut-off marks. What is this new obsession? Only in the capital do you get obsessed with this old animal in a new garb!This year. The virus threat and the closer of the Delhi schools caught. The middle class of Delhi ,the class dependent upon the Government jobs and much else is also obsessed with…