How the Indian polity is evolving? How the ground-realities are evaded? Yes, there is also a historical cycle to this phenomenon of holding on to power, from ancient Greece to modern day Indian democratic realities! The Greece we visited recently as a family tour, we mean the journey to the ancient classical Greece of the…
Let us liberalise the agri sector!
Give more freedoms to farmers! That is the way to increase investments and agri production! Indian agriculture is now orphaned! For lack of patronage and awareness! Corporate support is almost nil and the government is no less negligent. Why we say this at this juncture? For the obvious reason that even otherwise, there is a…
Prime Minister’s Independence Day speech!
Media comments are noteworthy! They say fine to the PM’s long term vision. But the short-term is challenging. Two highlights of the PM’s speech were GST and demonetisation. Fine, fine. But then are there only two critical issues for sustained economic growth? We believe that the government economist writers or input givers there are more…
A Progressive education outlook!
That is what India needs at the moment! Internationally comparable standards! In general education and medical education too! See the appalling public health, in Gorakhpur and even in other states! Swine flu threat is also spreading! Education is a public cause, not a private profit! Indian character needs introspection! We are talkers, not doers! How…
A case for New Optimism in the world?
Yes, say many: thinkers and others! What about the Indian people? The ordinary citizens and the elite? Yes, there are solid reasons for a New Optimism in India! Of course we need to think much more on positive lines! The media is getting strengthened! See Al Jazeera TV Channel! The number one TV news Channel…
Travels in classical Greece
The life and death of Socrates! The one voice that stood out all through the centuries! What makes Socrates’ life and death? Some reflections on a recent trip to Greece and the historic sites! You see, that since my travels in Greece recently, I have come back and not yet recovered! I am dumbstruck! Not…
Prime Minister’s Independence Day speech!
Media comments are noteworthy! They say fine to the PM’s long term vision. But the short-term is challenging. Two highlights of the PM’s speech were GST and demonetisation. Fine, fine. But then are there only two critical issues for sustained economic growth? We believe that the government economist writers or input givers there are more…
What I saw in Greece! Words fail me, I lose articulation!
The world’s first civilization in classical Greece! That gave birth to democracy first! Yes, the visit I had the good fortune to undertake, after a life-long quest and seeking, not just opened my eyes, the visit made me dumb-struck for days and, it looks, even by months! The one side is that I don’t know…