Very likely, it seems! Rahul in the race for PM? Very unlikely! The ruling leading lights shout: It is PM vs. chaos! Opposition unity, a shame! Political issues are getting hotter everyday. Election outcome in 2019 is the major guessing game. There is less and less of tolerance and Dissidence of any sort is not…
Governance failings led to Assembly election results
Agriculture distress is only one factor. The other factors are too many to narrate! A surprise of surprise is the latest move of certain courage on the part of the otherwise submissive bureaucracy to summon up courage, some 83 bureaucrats of high ranks, most of them ex-IAS officers, some really daring to write to the…
Let our schools do sciences this way!
Let them read the autobiography of the Indian Nobel Prize winner Venkat Ramakrishnan! The book’s name: Gene Machine – The race to decipher the secrets of the ribosome. The book reads like a thriller. The recent autobiography of Venkat Ramakrishnan, Venki to his friends and admirers, the latest winner of the Nobel Prize (for discovering…
Education must have an integrated concept of education, health and environment
Our education eco-system is superficially constructed. Only the skimpy part, the cash-exchange surface is cared about. Yes, what do we care for when we talk of education? It is the money part, the immediate cash-exchange we seem to care about. Otherwise, who cares for the children in their early years? As per the Global Nutrition…
Why Classical Education?
Thoughts and thought processes after visiting Rome and Greece historic sites! It is a strange thought and yet it is a thought that I would like to register in the minds of Indians and also for others who might be interested in the study of classical world of Greece and Rome. Classical education at Oxford…
Farm loan waivers and the migration of labour from UP and Bihar
What the new MP Chief Minister Mr.Kamal Nath says about preference for only locals is not acceptable! How can we ban the imigration, yes, the seasonal migration of farm labour from one state to another can be controlled by any state policy? This is unwise and must be curbed at the very beginning. Who doesn’t…
So, the Congress wins!
In three crucial Hindi heartland states! What does this election win means? Means the rural distress in the agri sector nearly over? Rahul’s new found confidence justifies his current speeches and even his threatening postures? Yes, yes, he has every reason to be enthused about his hard-won battles! But then write-off of farm loans in…
Agriculture in the time of rural distress!
Why mainstream media ignores the agri sector? Or, for that matter, issues in rural development? The mainstream media, mostly the English language mainstream media writes of issues in agriculture and rural development, the two high priority areas where the largest number of people are engaged is almost pathetic. For quite some time we were fed…