History:a challenging social science! Some thoughts on the history of our times Eric Hobsbawam, the Marxist historian and yet otherwise a fine historically- insightful thinker and writer of some of the widely read volumes spanning almost the modern Europe calls the 20th century as the “short 20th century”. (A history of the world, 1914 –…
Inequality in education: can we avoid it ?
Class divisions in education: we are just silent! Equality is a great illusion! In India we have been fed by our leaders from the Freedom struggle days that we will create a democracy and there will be equality of opportunities for all. Yes, our Constitution is a great document and it had proved its worth….
Education’s unfinished agenda!
Middle In equality? Poverty? Or, denial of freedoms? You can’t have everything in life, can you? Life doesn’t offer you too many choices, does it? Have you ever thought of these questions, do you? Yes, there is too much poverty in the world, in India! There is too much inequality, in the world, in India!…
What I believe
Old religion, new religion, god, science How our secular beliefs are to be defined? A survey of latest intellectual developments in various branches of sciences and knowledge Religion is still a force as well as a taboo! Religion is a subject to which every thinking person has to return one day or other.In India, religion…
Dr. S. Radhakrishnan when he gave the first lectures at Kolkatta University
Many of the great philosophers like, say Bertrand Russell and here in India Dr.S.Radhakrishnan have written much and created vast readership. I have read them in great, extensive ways. Russell is yes, quite brilliant, he wrote so clearly that won him vast readership, even today he is selling well. Karl Poppar says, in his autobiography,…
Jean – Paul Sartre
A great French writer philosopher 1964 on October 22, Jean-Paul Sartre was awarded the Nobel Prize for literature, but he declined it. In his novels, essays, and palys, Sartre advanced the philosophy of existentialism, arguing that each individual must create meaning for his or her own life, because life itself had no innate meaning. Sartre…
Exam-driven schools, Schoolheads show Hostility to new knowledge! To outside knowledge!
Over- schooling is killing students and teachers! Bureaucratisation of school education had reached its limit in India.So too the minds of students,teachers and parents in the unshakeable government fixed school texts,exams etc. The other day we visited a well-established school in a district suburb.There was also a National Award won Headmaster in the car.When we…
Denial of freedoms by democratically elected leaders!
Police States in today’s India! A people can be traumatized by the fear of the state. Even now in states like Tamil Nadu under the Dravidian ideology, Shivsena in Maharashtra and also under Lalu in Bihar the “democratically-elected leaders have turned dictators by more subtle and pernicious methods. An awe and a fear of the…