Why keep the public in the dark? Indian agriculture is at a critical stage. After years of self-reliance and self-sufficiency as ensured by the Green Revolution, we seem to be reversing some of the national consensus. The so-called second Green Revolution of which the PM and his colleagues seem to be imagining without fully working…
India’s nuclear deal
Many unanswered questions India is an open country and there is much vitality in the system to express fearless opinion. Only this fearlessness might perhaps give India its fuller strength in times of challenge and might compensate for what deficiencies we find in the present governance. There is an air of complacency and self-congratulation in…
Joys of living in the villages
The rural “pastoral idyll, a dream fantasy” farming is, yes a bloody profession today but it can regain its old value system and might become or turned to be a perennial source of inspiration. Every morning the first thing we do in Bangalore is to call the village, some 300 km away, and talk to…
Rural Employment guarantee scheme hasn’t evoked much interest in the states.
Why farmers have to be defensive when they demand for an account of the performance of this government and its priorities? There is a news report and it is with full of data on the progress of the NREGA projects in Gujarat, Bihar, Orissa, MP, Assam, Tamil Nadu and Rajasthan. Also the two districts represented…
New Karnataka government starts well!
A new optimism, high expectations mark the beginning. Mr.H.D.Kumaraswamy, the new Chief Minister of Karnataka has taken over power in a more daring and a politically complicated manner. Yes, in politics sometimes things happen not in all rational and transparent manners. But then political power is a reality. And now the new CM has taken…
Rate of economic growth is not economic development!
Economists also can’t promote economic development! We are having an economic expert as the Prime Minister. Is it an advantage or a disadvantage? A big question indeed! But we feel a time has come to ask such big questions. At least, for the sake of getting some clarity. Clarity on what is being aired everyday…
Agriculture is just an election-eve thought?
PM, Sonia Gandhi just talk casually! About helping the farmers! Who said the PM is a transparent man or really sensitive to farmers, farm decline or farm imports? Farmers’ suicides that continue don’t evoke any response from those in New Delhi. Delhi is really door hai! The PM, Sonia Gandhi or the FM don’t show…
Why I remain unimpressed by our scientists!
They may be intelligent and clever.They are also cunning and quite callous too! Yes, I know what protests I would invite if I say this! We have great scientists and technologists.Nobel Prizes are not alien to Indian science. All these are known and widely publicised and we often pat ourselves what we have achieved.My only…