Private Foreign Universities to enter India Higher Education in India set to expand? What about the OBC demands? To ensure international quality university education, we have to rank the higher education institutions, as they do in the West; identify the Ivy League tables etc. Indian higher education priorities are dictated by the fast growing demand…
Teaching religion and ethics in schools
Teach history of ideas, world history of religions! The recent Mumbai blasts that took such a heavy toll, 8 bombs in 30 minutes, killing 200 people and injuring 500 more, is only the latest reminder, if reminder is needed, for the need for the society at large to deeply introspect on so many ills that…
Youth, idealism and impulsiveness? Age, experience and wisdom?
Vajpayee can stage a comeback as PM again! Vajpayee, 81, goes on diet! Jyoti Basu 93 and fit! Others, Incumbent Chief Ministers, Achuthanandan, 83, M.Karunanidhi, 83, are still active. So, Vajpayee, 81 also wants to become active in politics again, so he has started on diet and is shedding weight, already shed nine kilos, and…
Youth, idealism and impulsiveness? Age, experience and wisdom?
Vajpayee can stage a comeback as PM again! Vajpayee, 81, goes on diet! Jyoti Basu 93 and fit! Others, Incumbent Chief Ministers, Achuthanandan, 83, M.Karunanidhi, 83, are still active. So, Vajpayee, 81 also wants to become active in politics again, so he has started on diet and is shedding weight, already shed nine kilos, and…
Can philosophy shoulder the burdens of the world?
Yes, ideas shape the world! How to understand the world? To understand the world, you have to have a philosophy! No philosophy, no world! Yes, as simple as that! But it took 2,000 or more years to reach that conclusion! How to judge the present situation of the world? Optimistic? Or, pessimistic? What hopes for…
PM’s visits to UK/USA : no dramatic gains for India
How much the Indian public opinion will trust US promises? Prime Minister Dr.Manmohan Singh had visited UK and later USA. UK visit didn’t produce any dramatic results, except he got a honorary degree from Oxford. In the USA he got the USA to help Indian in civilian nuclear energy tech. But India had to abandon…
My intellectual evolution
My interests, concerns, tastes and temperaments! Freedoms of man, my critical core belief. I can’t pretend to be other than what I am! What am I? Who am I? Such a question or questions can be posed as a plain simple self-questioning at a more pedestrian life. Or, such a question can be taken more…
Congress party wakes up to rural realities?
Vidarbha farmers’ continued suicides haunt the Prime Minister and the Agri Minister! What needs to be done? Prime Minister must deliver or ……! Prime Minister had visited the farmers’ suicide zone of India, Vidarbha and listened to the farmers’ problem! It is a nice gesture after two years of so much indifference! The CWC had…