A vision for India, yes! What divides India? What unites India? I wrote a letter to Mrs. Sonia Gandhi. Rather a long letter. A letter in her capacity as the President of the Indian National Congress. The party is 121 years old and when I read a book, the past one hundred and more years…
We learn from books, learn from others’ lives
I have been reading Bertrand Russell all through my life. I started with his” Problems of Philosophy”, sometime in the Fifties, on the suggestion of a friend who said” that might be useful for your exam for Oxford”. That was at a time when the Oxford College (New College) asked me to do some essays…
Books, old and new
Rt.Hon.V.S.Srinivasa Sastri How Indian Nationalism evolved? Life and Times of Sir Pherozeshah Methta By Rt.Hon.V.S.Srinivasa Sastri, 1945, PP 225 This is an old book, almost moth-eaten; I laid my hand in an old bookshop. But what a book! This book, as I see, has lots of lessons, even warnings, to the present day India, the…
Crossword Bookshop, Bangalore
Press Freedom
Criminal defamation, Contempt of court, Violation of legislature privileges. Can the hidden cameras/sting operations justified? Press Freedom is a much talked about subject. Just now, Mr. N. Ram, the Editor-in-Chief of The Hindu has delivered a lecture in Hyderabad at the Golden Jubilee Celebrations of the High Court of AP had dealt with this much…
Education orthodoxy questioned
Is there anything called pure education? Education standards as such can’t do much to improve the standards of living or the quality of living. For the later virtues we have to search for salvation, not in education but in economics and culture. Here in a perceptive review of an education report just published in the…
Announce a new policy for micro enterprises in agriculture!
Microcredit gets the Nobel Prize! Will micro enterprises in agriculture gets recognition? If the leadership motivates the people at the grass roots, there would be tremendous response. The Nobel Prize for Peace had justifiably been given to the Bangladeshi economist and innovative entrepreneur Prof.Mohammed Yunus for his justly famous micro credit innovative business model and…
The 11th Plan document, uninspiring and bureaucratic!
Putting agriculture as “one of the central elements” of the Plan would be a challenge. The 11th Plan is to start from April 1,2007. The next General Election is due in 2009. So, the 11th Plan document is both politics and economics! Readers can draw their own conclusions! Populist language abound in the document, at…