Exam-driven schools, Schoolheads showOver- schooling is killing students and teachers! Bureaucratisation of school education had reached its limit in India.So too the minds of students,teachers and parents in the unshakeable government fixed school texts,exams etc. The other day we visited a well-established school in a district suburb.There was also a National Award won Headmaster in…
Education entrepreneurs make for rapid education growth!
Karnataka shows positive role models! There has been rapid changes in the Indian education scenario.There are now highly dedicated education complexes where you can see a large number of education institutions under committed education leaders.These education leaders come from different backgrounds, many are Hindu and other religious leaders,mutt heads and they head a large number…
Indians don’t have a sense of shame!
Retired Indians don’t make room for youngsters! See the nominations to the Indian Institute of Advanced Studies Not much news coming out from the education ministry,rather pompously rechristened one day under very unfounded optimistic day by an young leader. It is better to go by conventional wisdom and stick to words that could mean something….
India’s new success stories!
Confidence, energy and a new upbeat mood! India, a happening place? Yes, yes, say observers. Go anywhere in Bangalore and what you see is the furious speed! Why? There is development on all fronts. Rising glass and concrete can’t but dazzle you. There are all the big names in MNCs, the new economy names: Intel,…
What use universities? Indians becoming mental slaves!
How to understand our times? Are we not living under the American empire? are not our intellectual beliefs, our uppie culture, consumerism make us already mental slaves of American power There are manychallenges for India. As the largest democracy it had survived the post-Independence period. India’s many capabilities make us a serious contender for a…
Gokhale, Gandhi and Tagore : What is their impact on Indian Education?
Excerpts from an autobiography Gopal Krishna Gokhale was a remark able Indian in his time.He was considered the greatest living Indian,said Annie Besant in a letter to Gokhale. Lord Curzon,the headstrong imperialist Viceroy wrote to his boss,the secretary of state that Gokhale was the most able and also the most morally upright Indian member of…
Dr. S. Radhakrishnan : What is his legacy for Indian education?
Only a rudimentary Indian education. He had certainly no Western education. Thus, his education thought and philosophy as such was very orthodox, thought it was cast in the pre-colonial mental makeup. Take the life of Dr. S. Radhakrishnan.I gave a second reading of his biography his son and distinguished history writer Savapalli Gopal this time…
Autobiographical : What history I studied?
My Oxford years : crowded by philosophers and historians! A.J.P.Taylor, Isiah Berlin, James Joll Indians need to learn to distrust much of British written history. The immediate provocation for this essay is the reading of A.J.P. Taylor (1906-1990), the well-known British historian, for the second time. I had the good fortune to attend his history…