Why Ministers dont talk as much before? The Prime Minister might have imagined that 2 years in office is a time for celebrations.But suddenly he is caught in a multiple crisis situation.After 2 years in office is faced with perhaps the biggest crisis of his career ,first,the OBC quota,next,the office of profit Bill.Will he survive…
Education is not about jobs or money!
Education is an ideology,you should know! The oft-heard charge,rather reckless,by the IT,ITes captains about the “unemployable”graduates even from the best of the arts and science faculties for the BPO jobs,is rather crude and made by “education illiterates”!Yes,these super-rich It barons imagine they can speak anything and get away! Time, to correct them! India,the best mind…
Technologies that define our lives : IBM, Sony, Apple
How media brands are built? Just now I read how Singapore is the number one tech-savvy economy. Beating America to the fifth position in the “Networked Readiness Index” by the World Economic Forum.U.S.lost its top position after a three year reign. India and China have improved their positions at 39 and 41! Japan and South…
Macaulay legacy? Does it still hurt pride?
So, can i draw the conclusion, however tentative? That is : we Indians are still haunted by the Macaulay Ghost! In this day of globalisation imigration of the educated middle class Indians to the Americans shores, our victories on the IT front and much else, when America is supposed to rule the world. How do…
How to build a new character for the people?
Challenges for Indian Education Indian education can’t be left to the politicians or the academics alone. Unfortunately, in India of the current socio-political configuration, there are not even strong-willed leaders nor the independent academics. The universities are politicised and the vice-chancellors irrespective of their locations are all the political creatures. The state universities are under…
Do Indian universities live up to today’s challenges?
What a university is for? Of course, there is much that is deplorable in Indian highr education. First, there is no environment to stimulate open debates on high and sensitive issues. There was this column by a lady columnist, on universities and the academics. The caption of the column provoked me. “The conformism of free…
Rural India is still a holy cow!
There is no unemployment in the villages! Rural realities no one speaks out! We live in the village. We are engaged in farming. Is this enough to convey the truths about Indian villages as they are evolving today? It seems rural India is a holy cow! Yes, when President Abdul Kalam talks of the technological…
Rural India is changing fast!
Though governments don’t do much! Citizens’ initiatives take roots. Citizen services? Consumer interests? Transparency, e-governance? Do you hear such words from any of the ministers? We dont hear so far! And yet, yes, there are new problems and new initiatives and opportunities opening out. Here we feature a few such services, be it municipal services,…