And a showcase of India’s role in the international affairs!Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation Award for Indian Prime Minister – The Global Goalkeeper’s award! PM’s US visit and the US President’s close participation in the India events there have brought a great many fruits. The PM-President closeness drew world attention. May be, the Indian PM…
Agriculture: a private sector or a government sector?
Who champions the farming sector? Agriculture is a highly sensitive subject for those who have boundless sensitivity. And also, agriculture is still the bugbear to the average Indian farmer. We in the South read about stories of Punjab and Haryana as breadbaskets of the country. But when one reads closely, the stories that come out…
What is happening in education today?
Macaulay Ghost again!Let us not impose Hindi on non-Hindi states as of now! Let us leave education and much else like culture and literature better to educators, thinkers and intellectuals. Certainly, the current political scenario is not conducive to promoting Hindi language. Other Indian languages have equal claims for recognition and promotion. Much has to…
Young IAS officers resign from their jobs!
Why and what drives them to such drastic steps? Idealism of the youth confronts the gross realities of corruption and fall in governance standards. The issues are complex and they invite an in-depth debate! India is a country with a lot of aspirational youth. We say we are a young nation. There are millions of…
Agriculture and the ordinary people
Agriculture not for the experts alone!Brazil a big agriculture and forestry country is a unique planetary gift of mankind to fellow humans. Here is a country that needs to be studied in detail for its contribution to many of the current farm issues like climate change and deforestation, tree logging and cultivation of major agri…
Why the economic slowdown?
What policies needed in the current situation?Good governance is a top priority!There are worrying signs! There is an economic slowdown, no doubt. There are some unprecedented indicators. For one, the auto industry is in serious crisis. Unsold vehicles are piling up. Maruti, the major player with a 50 per cent of market share saw a…
Agriculture in times of floods fury, climate change and policy confusion!
The Prime Minister in his Independence Day Speech made many bold and new announcements to lift the economy from the slowdown. These schemes like empowering the farmers with several hopeful positive supports are welcome.Considering the tone and temper of the day and mood with the Jammu and Kashmir developments heavy in the background every Indian…
Amartya Sen talks of land reforms!
But doesn’t talk of agriculture and its problems? Agriculture, rural issues are assuming critical crisis levels. Further agriculture productivity farmers require lots of incentives including farming viability. So too panchayat raj reforms. Prof.Amartaya Sen can contribute a lot if he lends his moral prestige to such reforms, new ideas and polices. Prof.Amartya Sen is a…