On an unexpected day I had a caller in Bangalore. It was C.S. Ramakrihnan (CSR), a long time friend. I have had many friends, big and small and I often wondered whether I have friends in the sense others talk of theirs. I cant say I have childhood friends whom I remember now. Nor my…
Can Kerala be turned around?
West Bengal Chief Minister offers a model for Kerala politicians. The Kerala Left politicians are dreaming to capture power in the next Assembly elections. But Kerala politics is not one of black and white as in Bengal. Here the coalition politics have many shades of alignments and re-alignments. The question is: do the Communists in…
Globalisation ended Marxism?
Eric Hobsbawm, the Marxist historian, at the end of his rather elaborate essay on the fall of Communism in 1989 asks the question: Whether or in which of its forms, Marxism, the intellectual justification and inspiration of communism, would continue remainsa matter of debate. Clearly, if Marx would live on as a major thinker, which…
Teach globalisation in schools/colleges!
New Delhi prescribed education curriculum not enough! Our education must meet our current inspirational goals! We live in a new world. A globalised world. India is enjoying an outsourcing boom and we are created unprecedented wealth for the first time in India’s history! The time has come to ask for some radical change in our…
Our democracy: the economics and politics of it!
The Prime Minister, true to his style, puts forward many new theses, be it economic development or managing the polity or the expansion of our foreign policy perceptions. Though his political legitimacy and credibility is at a discount, the man has been discharging his obligations, in the given context, in an exemplary manner, to use…
Remembering Mulk Raj Anand
December marks the hundreth year of the birth of Mulk Raj Anand who lived to a ripe age of nearly 99 years. And who in his life time strode the Indian arts stage, literally like a colossus! I had the good fortune to come into contact with this multi-faceted great Indian who inspired countless fellow…
Agriculture continues the growth decline!
PM talks theory, theory, and theory! The Prime Minister had called a meeting of the full Planning Commisssion. What is the urgency? Obviously, the government is worried over the agri sector’s continuing growth decline. Farm growth decelerated since 1997 from 2.5 per cent to currently to a shameful 0.1 per cent! There is a decline…
Billionaires vs Paupers in India!
What India should be doing? A recent survey that puts the new Indian billionaires in India at 311 persons. I don’t know how this is figure is arrived at. But assuming this figure comprises the new IT and BT(biotech) billionaries like Narayanamurthy of Infosys, Azim Premji of Wipro and Ms.Kiron Majumdar of Biocon, the biotech…