Dangerous Asian bird flu threat! Yet we live in bliss! Already hit 3 countries! There are serious knowledge issues.Science only gives the students,more so the parents too,what is happening in the world.What is likely to happen in our own lives.We were happy to see that readers of the previous editorial in this place had taken…
Is India’s food security in danger ?
Government to import wheat & sugar ! Election time is not the time to talk of basic economic truths or substantive policy issues. And when you have the party like BJP it is extremely difficult to go for objective discussions! We have a Prime Minister who is admired widely, even abroad for what he had…
Literature and society
How literature shapes nations and peoples? The immediate provocation for writing this piece, however, came my way unexpectedly. First, the latest issue of The Economist magazine carried a page in the “Books and Arts” section a brief writeup on The Abbey Theatre, Dublin. For those who may not know anything about this historic institution ,…
They forget small people! They forget their high positions, their social responsibility!
When Bankers talk! They forget small people! They forget their high positions, their social responsibility! When bankers make news it is always about big finance. Big money speaks loud and hence makes news. Have you ever read about any big banker or bankers talking about priority credit targets? Or, the social responsibilities of public sector…
Manmohan Singh Government has an education policy?
Education for All? In our lifetime? The Manmohan Singh Government is in office for more than four months The American Presidential candidates are debating face to face as we are writing this editorial! The Democratic candidate Kerry says that India is adding more graduates into its IT industry while America is doing nothing! Fine, even…
Builders of temples and river-links!
Temple first or river links first? Yes, this is election time. Election time is not for truth or hard realities. Election time is to hide the truths and hard realities. That is why the `India shining campaign’ is turning into much mud-sling and some character assassination! So everybody gets much bruises or other! Prime Minister…
St.Stephen’s College and the alumni
Delhi bureaucratic class distort education values There was this column in a national newspaper, on Stephenians in Parliament. About the students of St.Stephen’s College in Delhi entering Parliament by one old student now serving the UN in New York and a talented writer. The column added some names that were not the college alumni! St.Stephen…
How to sensitize our teachers?
The world environment is so much damaging our sensitivities. Do we, as parents, teachers realise these developments? Are our children growing up in this environment of utter insensitivity? We are not sure how far the education community is sensitive to these questions. Consider some of the developments. September 11, commonly referred to as “9/11″ came,…