What hopes NGO would make a change this time? President Abdul Kalam inaugurated a three-day national summit on rural NGOs in Delhi in April. He spoke with much candour and conviction. What he said is that a large number of NGOs that get lots of foreign funds don’t spend them properly. The funds don’t reach…
Deliver services at farmers doorsteps!
Bankers’ behaviour must change The latest news that thanks to agriculture’s strong growth, the economic growth figure had dramatically gone up to nearly 9 percent must cheer all lovers of agriculture! So, farming still matters in the national priorities? But what about the politicians mindset? The PM/FM’s mindset towards farmers? No way to know! This…
Gokhale, Gandhi and Tagore
What is their impact on Indian Education? Excerpts from an autobiography Gopal Krishna Gokhale was a remark able Indian in his time.He was considered the greatest living Indian, said Annie Besant in a letter to Gokhale. Lord Curzon, the headstrong imperialist Viceroy wrote to his boss, the secretary of state that Gokhale was the most…
Agriculture problems are practical problems!
Agriculture needs practical solutions! There was recently the Rajya Sabha debate on farmers issues, farmers’s suicides for a record five and half hours. Members cutting across party lines spoke unani mously. M.S.Gill, a former Union Agriculture Secretary, being a senior authority on the subject said it is too serious a topic. So too Rajya Sabha…
Should India look to the West?
Demolishing Churchill’s myth! America is now a police state! UK is now a racially intolerant country! Creating awareness about India’s new strengths! In India we seem to be living in the past, in the mould of Nehruvian era. Even in higher philosophical discourses our view of the world, our view of the West seem to…
Eric Hobsbawam’s “The Age of Extremes”
A history of the short twentieth century (1914-1991) The weekends in my village don’t miss their highlights: I bought this time the volume by Eric Hebswam’s “The Age of Extremes”, the much acclaimed volume in his series of “Ages” of Capital and Revolution and many others. This volume I didn’t have had the time till…
Unsafe foods flood the market!
A new food safety law Weak consumer rights movement need activation. Sudan-I dye in Indian chillies creates a scare all over the world about India’s food safety standards. World Consumers Day was duly celebrated. Unsafe foods, GM foods, potato, soya, maize based foods with no labels flood our super stores. Food eating out is growing…
India’s poor law
India’s poor politics, Hinders economic development. The Economist magazine, true to its verbal gymnastics, had called India’s much talked about employement guarantee programme (or just a promise on date?) as India’s poor law! In the same typical imperial mindset the magazine goes on to elaborate its wisdom as it see it. Of course what the…