What a university is for? Of course, there is much that is deplorable in Indian highr education. First, there is no environment to stimulate open debates on high and sensitive issues. There was this column by a lady columnist, on universities and the academics. The caption of the column provoked me. “The conformism of free…
Can Lalu Yadav be ignored?
Bihar : what next? Rural India continues to bleed! The urban English press is full of news from Lalu Yadav’s Bihar. This is election time, with Congress trying to outwit Lalu who is a master of the game of outwitting! Yes, the continuous abduction news make the state a dark corner of India! So, what…
How to build a new character for the people?
Challenges for Indian Education Indian education can’t be left to the politicians or the academics alone. Unfortunately, in India of the current socio-political configuration, there are not even strong-willed leaders nor the independent academics. The universities are politicised and the vice-chancellors irrespective of their locations are all the political creatures. The state universities are under…
Innovative strategies in farming
The cry of the hour! Every agri sector is getting thoroughly bureaucratised! The way all the other initiatives in the past had turned out to be. Take Nabard itself. It had grown into well-entrenched bureaucracy, no further innovation under the existing Nabard setup is possible. There are on paper Nabard officials at every district. But…
A Tribute : Dom Moraes, my friend
Poets make news in Britain, Why poets don’t make news in India? He belonged to the early years of Freedom and idealism, when subtlety mattered, reticence was a sign of culture and understated elegance was still a way of life. The more noisy, tabloid variety of celebrity status didn’t become still a new vulgarity! So,…
Listen to grassroots people!
The Prime Minister and his team shouldn’t go for mere bureaucratic exercises! Listen to people who have worked at the grassroots! There are already reports in the newspapers that the Employment Guarantee Bill is watered down. There is also the letter of Aruna Roy and her colleagues in their letter to Sonia Gandhi on the…
Macdonell’s history of Sanskrit literature
Historic facts about Mahabharata & Ramayana Educated Indians, even the best of their kind, might not be able to tell correctly the historic facts about our great classics, our Vedas, Epics, Brahmanas, Sutras etc. Our education is at fault greatly. But more to the point, our traditional gurukula education was based on caste and as…
Parliamentary Committee dissatisfied with crop loans by banks
Parliamentary members are once rated very high in society. Now? One is not sure. There are now reports on how our hon’ble MPs conduct themselves in Parliament. The Rajya Sabha is packed with all sorts of people, there are valid criticisms about how the RS members are nominated. It is even said the RS as…