What is the public view of this one year government? The UPA completes one year in office. What is its achievements? What are its failures? The UPA wants to bring out a booklet. For preparing this booklet, the UPA had called the CPI and the CPI(M) for a breakfast meeting with the PM to finalise…
The crazy American private health insurance system!
Our own insurance companies haven’t risen up to current demands! It is a question of leadership at the top. The government has announced in April a national rural health ` mission. Fine. But then the status of healthcare, the allocations in the budget, the share in the GDP are scandalously low. Now, what are the…
Teaching science? Teach first the science philosophy!
Science lessons must be part of ethics teaching too! Sciences have been held up as glamour knowledge. But science today is different from yester years. Today,science and technologies have also led to many problems.In India sciences were held as holy cows.They are no more.In today’s world we confront several issues that fall outside pure sciences…
Role models! In diverse fields!
They make all the difference! In cultivating public sensitivity! Former Karnataka Chief Minister writes Ramayana poem Vishva Mohan Bhatt invents Mohana Veena Javed Akthar lives life on the fast lane! These are only just three examples. There are so many others in so many diverse fields! They are all creative people. They are creative artists….
Why I don’t read American literature?
America a superpower / American literature not supreme! In any standard anthology of English literature or world literature there is no chapter, not even a honourable mention of American literature! Why? A question that should engage Indian writers in English as well as those who write in Indian languages which have ancient literatures and literary…
Make agri/horti dept. officials and scientists spend time in villages!
Time to partly privatise and for private participation. There was this news recently. The Union Minister for Planning M.A.Raja Shekaran, a senior politician from Karnataka had participated at the Bangalore based Agriculture University on a, mouthful topic, called “Extension of methodological issues in impact assessment of agriculture and rural development programmes”. From the way this…
After the Indus Valley civilization!
India’s big breakthrough in technological skills now! Yes, this is no exaggeration! Indians now seem to be achieving highest world class skills in a variety of technological skills. There is now a revolution unprecedented. I mean the IT revolution. A new generation of highly skilled engineering graduates, a few lakhs, who have transformed into a…
Does the Prime Minister know?
He can’t compare India with China! He should ask Indian achievers! The Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh was in Bangalore recently. He met the state leaders, fine. Bangalore is the IT capital of India. Some of the best success stories in IT, Biotechnology are here. One doesn’t know what the PM had seen and learnt…