A time for celebration. And a time for introspection On an occasion like this, it is often easy to be nice and say the usual flattering things about ourselves. But in a more serious, purposeful sense it is rather imperative, a moral duty as well, to be more retrospective, more committed to see far and…
Agri scientists no use for creating agro entrepreneurs!
There is a real shortage of skilled manpower in agri sector! Or, for undertaking consultancy business management of various new agro ventures We are experiencing a severe shortage of people with requisite skills to work in the agri sector. To draw up strategic development projects in new crops, new agribusiness models, what is now called…
View from Silicon Valley
Middle class American dream turns sour? Record job losses for IT employees! World events affect students careers.September 11th, economic slowdown, IT meltdown, Enron collapse. All these have severely hit the career prospects of young Indians. September 11th hit the H 1B Visa seekers, the IT professionals whose American dreams shattered, as America tightened its rules…
A Landmark book for the public understanding of science
Unweaving the Rainbow Science delusion and the appetite for wonder Richard Dawkins, Penguin Books, PP313. There is concern, at least among the more thoughful sections of educators There is a decline of interest in science courses. The decline in science education has a direct bearing, in my opnion, on the goowth in India in recent…
My book buying interests
I believe but book selling, in my opinion, is a greater art and science and cultivated good manners! My book reading and book buying habits had grown over the years and changed radically too. Now, I am time conscious and therefore make quick glancing through the new books I see in the bookshops and make…
Bill Clinton’s BBC Lecture
America’s new found friendship with India What India should do to make world a safe place The year just gone by saw a congregation of Nobel Laureates in Sweden on the occasion of the centenary of Alfred Nobel. But the Nobel Laureates didn’t rise up to the historic challenges of international terrorism. Neither the other…
Classics on Education
Macdonell’s history of Sanskrit literature Unknown to Indians the historic facts about Mahabharatha & Ramayana Educated Indians, even the best of their kind, might not be able to tell correctly the historic facts about our great Classics, our Vedas, Epics, Brahmanas,Sutras etc., Our Education is at fault greatly. But more to the point, our traditional…
Good politics is important for good economics?
It is not so simple! Anyway, one hopes our policy makers should focus on GDP as well as on non-economic factors like rule of law, transparency in governance. Under the BJP government the economic growth rose to 8.5% in 2003-04 on the previous year’s poor 4%. The Singh government promised 7-8 %.But actual growth today…