Swami Rangandananda, till now the president of the Ramakrishna Mission had passed away recently. Born in the Kerala village of Trikkur, near Thrissur in 1908,the swami had very impressive life, starting as a humble young boy to reach the top and emerge as a scholar, speaker and philosopher.Why I write about himhere is that I…
Rural India is still a holy cow!
Rural India is still a holy cow! There is no unemployment in the villages! Rural realities no one speaks out! We live in the village. We are engaged in farming. Is this enough to convey the truths about Indian villages as they are evolving today? It seems rural India is a holy cow! Yes, when…
Economists don’t promote economic growth!
Political, historical and technological factors. International scenario. These only help or hinder the economic progress of a nation. We need a more openly-debated economic policy too! Now, policy is drawn up by faceless bureaucrats and pro-establishment experts. There is no feedback from the grass roots. The minds of the people are not freed. They are…
Kavithaigal : Enadhu Ulakam, Enadhu Ulakiyal, Enadhu Unmaigal
(V. Isvarmurti (Vadamalai Media P.Ltd., Pichanur, Coimbatore 641 105. – 2004) Page 310 Rs. 200) Readers exposed to the political pulpit of Tamil Nadu in the last century might drop Kavithaigal into the Dravidian slot with electrical ease, once they open the volume and read the epigraph! Tamil : My Askesis Tamil is my god…
Meet K.K.S. Murthy : The celebrated antiquarian bookseller
Mr.K.K.S. Murthy who runs his merchandise from an obscure lane off the busy Brigade Road. I had bought so many books from Select,in fact, I now regularly buy from Murthy from Encyclopaedia Brittannica to Will Durant”s History of the Civilization volumes to any topics you can imagine. I buy books for their value besides my…
Unknown facts of A 12 year old daughter’s eye witness account
The close friendship that existed between Aurobindo and the poet is well brought out. The daughter had watched how much Aurobindo too sought the company of the poet,rather than the poet sought after the company of the great yogi and seer. There was a violent storm and heavy rain and Pondicherry was devastated. The next…
How to judge this government
Farmers air their grievences in the presence of the PM. Why not act at once on their suggestions? It is becoming difficult everyday to judge the government. Its many actions. Yes, Dr.Singh is a decent man. This much is admitted by everyone. He seems to have no enemies. But then what is his performance as…
Dr.Verghese Kurien in trouble!
Sad thoughts on the turn of events at rural Anand The Prime Minister must give some thoughts to the latest developments at Anand. Petty jealousies have sought to bring a bad name to a man who made all Indians proud. The government must intervene and save the country and the good name of India from…