Pandit Nehru was the Chancellor of Visva Bharati University, Santiniketan. V.Isvarmurti was at Santiniketan between 1955-59. Pandit Nehru would visit every year and stay at Santineketan for few days each time.
All India Congress Committee Office, New Delhi, 1967
This photo was taken in front of the All India Congree Committe office at 7, Jantar Mantar Road, New Delhi in 1967. Isvarmurti was assigned the task of writing the congress party pamphlets for the Congress Party during the General Elections in 1967. During this time Atulya Ghosh was the Congress Party treasurer and…
With MGR – Former CM. Tamil Nadu
M.G R (M. G Ramachandran) was at his peak fim career in the year 1972. Isvarmurti’s friendship started from this time onwards. It continued when MGR rose to become the Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu for 10 years. This photo taken in New Delhi where Isvarmurti met him.
With Dom Moraes – around 1985
Dom Moraes – one year senior to V.Isvarmurti at Oxford- won fame as a young poet in English language at the age of 19. His friendship with Isvarmurti started from those days and continued in India.
New College, Oxford 1959
In front of the main New College entrance. Founded in 13th century, New College was then and still continues to be one of the largest Oxford Colleges. This was the first college to introduce the Quandrangle style of Oxford colleges. V. Isvarmurti studied the undergraduate course of PPE (Philosophy, Politics and Economics). In his…
Cheena Bhavan, Santiniketan 1958
The Chinese language class of Prof Tan Yun Shan at Santiniketan. V.Isvarmurti (top right hand corner) was attending a 3 year diploma in Chinese language. Prof Tan Yun Shan was a contemporary of Generalassiamo Chiang Kei Shaik and Mao Tse Thung. Prof Tan established the Cheena Bhavan in the year 1921 and was a…
The political obligations of literature
Let me state at the very beginning that for me literature and arts are intrinsically tied up with politics. There is no literature existing in a vacuum. Literature occupies a public space that very few of the current crops of writers seem to acknowledge. More so with the new crop of the expatriate Indian writers…
Education? The competitive pressures, not silly principles!
Yes, that makes for elite education in Delhi! Our School Curriculum must be raised to international standards. Reading India’s English language papers, we mean at least some of the widely read ones by the elite, could be quite disheartening! Delhi society, the very core of the power wielders, seems very brutal and ruthless when it…