There was this delightful column: Lunch with FT! The fun-like but more insightful column in the famed London Financial Times weekend review. This time it was with one 25-year old heir apparent of the famous Italy’s Fiat Empire! An interview with the heir of the biggest industry conglomerate! What he said? The dashing youngman, very…
CPM’s dilemma in West Bengal!
Its past sins visit its present predicaments? Now, Mr.Buddhadeb Bhattacharjee tells, as he did to the NDTV, that there is a generational change, village youths don’t want to engage in agriculture and they want non-agri jobs. That can be created, as the CM said only through rapid industrialisation. Now, Rs.25,000 crore worth of investments are…
C.K.Prahalad breaks new ground in agri reforms!
Policy is not working! Logistics could break the impasse in agriculture! Who believes the Central government when it says it can reform agriculture? Agri reforms is much tougher, it seems, than we imagined, to be a much more a high priority of the economic reforms. Even in economic reforms we don’t see any unity of…
Indian agriculture’s future
May be the market forces would decide the new agri policy! There is a mistaken view, shared by many sections, the government, the NGOs and the industry that Indian agriculture would somehow become like the US model. It won’t and it shouldn’t. This has to be understood. There are so many reasons to worry about…
India and the world economy
Emerging India faces challenges and opportunities too! Indian economists have all become stereotypes! Timid, withdrawing, self-effacing, till yesterday all leftists and Marxists. Today all liberals and economic reformers! Understanding economic issues calls for knowledge of our economic history, certain analytical skills and a bold articulation of certain vision! Manmohan Singh’s government, after the mid-term in…
Migrant Bihari labour in Assam!
Ethnic issues and uncertainity of the future. That Indian development is uneven, is recognised but no one speaks out. That is the tragedy of our leadership. The Congress party was in power for long and it is the party that brought about centrally-sponsored development planning and yet in its long years of power, it has…
More tensions, violence and challenges in the rural India.
Ethnic social issues and a feeling of uncertainty of the future. Migrant Bihari labour in Assam. And this senseless tragedy! That Indian development is uneven is recognised but no one speaks out. That is the tragedy of our leadership, the experts committees and the lack of the courage for outspokenness by the party activists…
CPM’s dilemma in West Bengal!
Its past sins visit its present predicaments? The Stalinist cult of “collectivised” agriculture, call it by what name you like, that had entrenched the idlers in the vilages, panchayats and land holding patterns! Who said agriculture is not important? But the CPM in W.Bengal always touted its land reforms as the end of all socio-economic…