Bangalore Date : 06.01.2007 Mrs.Sonia Gandhi, President, Indian National Congress, 10, Jan Path, New Delhi-1100001 Dear Mrs.Gandhi, Sub: Indian National Congress-122 year celebration-regarding I take this opportunity of sending you the greetings on the occasion of the 122 years celebration of the Party, that took place at the AICC headquarters. My thoughts ranged far and…
Letter to Sri Ashokamitran
Bangalore Date : 29.01.2007 Sri Ashokamitran, Flat-A, 1A, 9th cross Avenue, Dandeeswaram, Velachery Chennai-600 042 Ph 22432703 Dear Sri Ashokamitran, Thank you for your prompt reply. That is unusual for Tamil writers, it seems! No one bothers these days to even acknowledge even when you take the trouble of sending them your highly prized and …
Letter to Mrs.Reena Ganguly
Mrs.Reena Ganguly, Andrewspalli, Santiniketan, West Bengal Phone:O3463- 264944 Dear friend, It is quite a long time since I sat down to write a letter to you. Hope you are all fine. Now, just yesterday evening Kartik put your photo along with Kushi on my Internet site ( can see there. The site is now being…
Letter to the President of India
His Excellency A.P.J.Abdul Kalam, Rashtrapathi Bhavan, New Delhi Dear Your Excellency, Subject: Promoting Indian talent, recognising great individuals I take this opportunity of writing to you, once again, on a subject that has been agitating my mind for long and I am sure that would be equally agitating some of our fellow countrymen and women….
Politics is pragmatism, at best
Economics is not everything, of course! New Chief Ministers, new mindsets? Yes, there is still a long way to go to ensure fast economic growth and reach critical human development indices. There is still a visible urban bias and a rural neglect. There now new Chief Ministers, after the new elections and of course are…
Mrs Reena Ganguly
Mrs Reena Ganguly (right) seen with her daughter Kushi at Santinikathan. Reena was my classmate during all my four years at Santinikethan. She is an eminent researcher in Chinese topics. She has retired from Cheena Bhavan after a distinguished career in teaching and research. She now lives at Santiniketan.
After the PM’s Vidarbha package fiasco.
At least do something more constructive this time! Jairam Ramesh package on raw materials ban, co-operative institutions look promising! Minister of State Jairam Ramesh’s idea of ban on raw materials exports, be it agri raw materials, or marine exports or mineral ore exports is welcome. Except the initiative comes from a lightweight minister and we…
Inflation rate hits rooftop!
Government resorts to desperate steps! Inflation rate hits a two year high of 6.73%.It was just less than half this rate last year this time. Inflation can be a good thing, if it is at a moderate rate. Inflation keeps prices on the upswing and that is a lot of incentive for a lot of…