Some unasked and unanswered questions! India should get prepared for new roles in this century! Not look to the UK or USA for guidance. So, India has to maintain its friendly relations and talk things out and solve some of the outstanding problems with China, Pakistan and neighbours. The 58th Independence day came and gone….
Karnataka aims for an advanced state status?
Karnataka politicians are pragmatic men! AP, Kerala, TN are in pro-active mode Now, among the most developed states, those in the South, Karnataka and AP and next Kerala too are going for new big projects to stay in the advanced states league. Karnataka has come out with a S&T policy that spells out many innovative…
Independence day speeches
Prime Minister’s many promises not much for agriculture! Any small landownership is seen as a political liability! It is here the problem for reforming agriculture starts. Energy security, the President stressed. Very important. Poverty, we will eradicate, the PM asserted standing on the Red Fort. So, dignified the speech, so convincing the arguments. We could…
Too much fancy talk in agriculture
Too little practical wisdom in agriculture We have just spent a week in the village and had come back to Bangalore. What impressions we get? There is too much fancy talk about agriculture as reported in the English press. There is now news about setting about knowledge centres in the villages! As if this is…
NGOs haven’t changed rural India’s face!
What hopes NGO would make a change this time? President Abdul Kalam inaugurated a three-day national summit on rural NGOs in Delhi in April. He spoke with much candour and conviction. What he said is that a large number of NGOs that get lots of foreign funds don’t spend them properly. The funds don’t reach…
Economists don’t promote economic growth!
Political, historical and technological factors. International scenario. These only help or hinder the economic progress of a nation. We need a more openly-debated economic policy too! There is a superficial belief that Dr.Manmohan Singh is an economic expert. He is! Also there is this belief that economic experts can promote economic growth. This belief is…
India needs a new liberalist creed
Decline in Values? Compromise with Evil? Yes, everyday we find that our society, polity and even much of our education and culture are faced with so much of compromises with values. What we hold as dear to our sense of truth and morality. Yet we have learnt to, live with life as it goes on!…
Globalisation: What lessons for India?
There will always be globalisers and anti-globalisers as long as there is an unequal world. Eric Hobsbawm concludes his survey of the end do Communism in these following words: “We do not know where we are going. We only know that history has brought us to this point. However, if humanity is to have a…