IIM students get sky-high salaries! So, India now a Superpower? It seems it is time for celebrations for India! This year, the American Forbes magazine that tracks billionaires all over the world revealed for the first time that next to America India has produced so many billionaires! Not even China is near India in this…
Stephen Hawkins’s new book-How to walk the space? How to travel in time?
There is no word, God, in Hawkins’s latest book. A Briefer History of Time (2005) is a deceptively simple book of just 162 pages but is a very hard going reading indeed. I grappled with it for sometime and then honestly given up! But one can read it or glance through the pages for the…
Western notions of economic theories don’t appeal in India
After Karl Marx Indian intelligentsia didn’t progress much! So, the current crop of Western intellectuals and theorists, names like Eric Hobsbawm and a host of UK and US academics, the names are many don’t command any attention nor the Indian intelligentsia ,whoever they are, care to mention here and grab attention. For that matter Indian…
A leader must inspire the people and the elites!
India needs a thinking Prime Minister, an activist Prime Minister! India at the cross-roads! The UPA government is past its mid-term. Already there are tremors in Delhi after the two successive defeats in Punjab and Uttaranchal. The BJP is on the revival trail. There is depression in the Congress camp; there is jubilation in the…
Attention, Sonia Gandhi!
Rural development, a tired theme? But still it drives fear and tremors in Delhi! Ministers can proactively do many things! Corporate social responsibility can be identified and publicized! Civil society initiatives need appreciated and recognized by the governments. The PM must be silently cursing the electorate of Punjab and Uttaranchal for being ungrateful. The Finance…
PM’s articulations blurred?
The PM stands a bereft orphan! With major electoral defeats, what clarity little clarity we had is missing! The Congress Party faced two electoral defeats in Punjab and Uttaranchal. The third in UP surely looks like a foregone one. In such a dismal scenario, what articulations the Congress has? What major introspection has taken place?
Philosophy, Politics, Economy and Society
Academic knowledge is not enough! Also economic knowledge is also not enough! The world needs more interactive civil society activism! There is A Knowledge Commission deliberating about creating a knowledge society. But what is knowledge precisely. Knowledge is a word first coined by a management guru, Peter Drucker, 30 years ago. So also came the…
My Oxford day intellectuals and scholars
I have written elsewhere, some time ago, about the number of persons who influenced my thought and also the way I think about issues. Those whom I didn’t not know personally but whose books influenced me form one set of such persons. These range from poets to philosophers, journalists, men like Boris Pasternak and other…