Education’s current priorities! Education is not one word! It is a multi-layered concept. So,you can’t grasp the meaning and its reach in any easy way. Education has now acquired a much more complex meaning and significance. Education is a continuous process,its reach is enormous,it effects basic changes in societies and nations! We live in a…
Kalam : A second look!
Developed India by 2020? Kalam Vision is more an inspirational wish, than a reasoned exposition of development in depth, be it economic and social development or human development as such. APJ Abdul Kalam was such a popular President that it is too early to stand apart and take an objective look at some of his…
How US textbooks distort India?
American elementary and secondary schools show India in a bad light! USA is home to some strong 80,000 odd Indian students, some 20 lakh well-earning Indian families. Every other American worker or an expert must know how the Indian brainpower moves some of the biggest American enterpprises. So, the current negative perceptions of Indians taught…
Nuclear deal agreement
Indo-US nuclear deal going nowhere? Is it not time for an experts vs common man debate? As I write, our negotiators in the Indo-US nuclear deal are packing their bags to board the plane for Washington. The deal first proposed, the “historic agreement between Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and US President George Bush on July…
L.K.Advani vs Manmohan Singh
Compassion vs insensitivity or truth vs hypocrisy? L.K.Advani is the Leader of Opposition in the Lok Sabha. As such he is a very important person in the democratic politics. Advani has taken up the job of criticising the government whenever he thinks fit. It is his legitimate role. Unfortunately, in India it is still not…
As I know him An idealist and non-conformist in Indian politics The passing away of Chandrashekhar, the former Prime Minister, is a personal loss to me. I couldn’t do anything a whole day as I was so sad and so many memories rushed through my mind all the day. The days I spent with Chandrashekhar…
Communists’ cynicism and negativism?
Why West Bengal and Kerala lag behind other states? Bengal wooes Ratan Tata, Kerala removes Tata Tea Board! West Bengal agri/rural sector continues to boil! The CPM is finding itself at a receiving end. Jyoti Basu, the veteran is called out from his retirement and he is batting for the Chief Minister, Budhdeb Bhattacharya who…
India continues to import wheat at high prices!
Environment, energy, infrastructure issues might impact Indian agriculture’s long -term prospects India continues with its short-term strategies. It resorts to import of wheat for the second year. And at such high prices. The Prime Minister, after a long interval, is undertaking a tour of six states to over-see the agriculture developments. Fine! If only the…