Timely bold economic stimulus no doubt But when will the lockdown be lifted and what happens next? The Rs.20 lakh crore package timely But how to implement? What happens next? Economic recovery calls for robust common sense approach! How to implement the big Schemes and revive the economy?No easy answers and no clear vision! The…
Under Modi government. The Panchayat Raj is active!
The PMO responds to the letters of the PMO’s grievances Cell! Also the PMO is active and sensitive to the citizens’ petitions! Even now the dilemma of Panchayat Raj vs. District Collector’s Raj! Yet creating rural employment is not so easy. Rural India is a complex web. The Indian migrants problem is very intricate indeed….
Online Agriculture
Lifeline for India’s economic prosperity. Times seem to have changed. Forever? It looks at this point of time it is forever! The Covid-19 Pandemic could not have come at the worst time. Among the more serious tragedies and human misery about the sights and sounds of the thousands of ads the rural migrant desperately seeking…
How to shape our common future?
What education can do?Our school education needs a fresh vision and a new common initiative This School Journal was founded in a village school many decades ago. Thanks to two, why, three American volunteers, one from the Quakers, two from John Kennedy’s American Peace Corps. It was started as a newsletter, metamorphosed into several versions and shapes and…
Indian higher education in a big handicap
Indian youngsters pay heavily for our own inactionMass higher education has lowered standards!This has led to education as the “For Profit education industry growth” only! SAT-the great game! A blessing or a curse? Big money plays a bigger scam! Is this a great train robbery or a great training robbery? Education has become a great…
State of Indian education
We have to wait for an opportune time for things to change for the better Education budget is now 3.71%, dipped from 6.15% of the Union Budgetbetween 2014 and 2017.Not just funds can improve education.Education can be improved only if we search for intellectual debate and freedom of expression for the and public intellectuals.Education has…
Who can reform Indian education and reset Indian education goals?
This seems to be an ideal world. The one we live in is the bestof all possible worlds, right? So, educators have a duty and also a right to ask questions. Prof. Sukanta Chaudhuri, Professor Emeritus of Jadavpur University, Kolkatta has written a thoughtful piece in the Economic Times of 6thFebruary, 2020. We like to…
How big countries govern in the world?
India, Russia and China’s different political cultures? The outbreak of Corona virus in China had brought with it so many questions about how countries run their affairs. In today’s The Hindu (Feb, 17, 2020) there is an elaborate write-up on how the media is tightly controlled in China and how that had led to such…