Scientists, writers or leaders? India is a land of Gandhi. It is a matter of great pride to Indians that at least this year, the Nobel Foundations felt constrained to publicly confess it was a mistake on the Nobel Committee not to have given the Peace Nobel to Gandhi. Why? This question is not asked…
Agri and Finance minister meet to revive the rural credit co-ops!
If Ministers pursue their own glories! Their portfolios fail to deliver! Agri minister is now known for his big money business of cricket than for his political acumen and decision-making. So too his colleague, the Finance minister. This not-so-experienced youngish lawyer’s entry into politics and that too into the highly important portfolio of finance has…
The Big news in agriculture!
Mukesh Ambani vs Sunil Bharti Mittal rivalry! The economic reformers must articulate the benefits of organised retail for farm sector reforms! The organised retail revolution will come and will succeed. The traditional exploitation of farmers by the age-old money lenders and the traders will end for ever! One has to have the vision to foresee…
Keynote address at the international conference of Tamils and Tamil literature
Date: December 1, 2007 Place: Trichy, Tamil Nadu Life and literature of Tamils As seen from the perspectives of Tamils living abroad and outside Tamil Nadu in India 1. Introduction: I am highly grateful for all those who have thought of inviting me to give the keynote address to this assembly of Tamil scholars and…
Bank Chairmen! Please read this!
It is an irony that as we type this note comes the news that RBI had punished 7 banks, private, foreign and PSU banks for violating IPO norms! The fines for the IPO scams run from Rs.25 lakhs to 5 lakhs. The point is that some of the superstars are also found to be indulging…
From UPA to UPS !!
United Progressive Alliance becomes United Political Survival! It is ironical that the Left threatened the UPA and in the process the ruling alliance caved in. They have all become partners in the united political survival game. PM’s credibility falls, Sonia slips! Left prone to trouble making, as usual! The Indo-US nuclear deal had taken certain…
Bharat Nirman, Urban Mission, NREGA
Just all end up as election slogans? Who is the urban development minister? And also, who is the rural development minister? Can one recall at once? Such is the urban-centric, New Delhi-based power elite that occupies all the ministerial posts and party jobs! And we talk of aam aadmi, tongue in cheek! We seem to…
Autobiographies & Biographies
Autobiographies are often highly subjective and therefore only partially true in many respects.While biographies are likely to be more reliable and might give a full account of one’s life. We seem to live at a time when there is an unprecedented change in our lives.Globally it is so.Globalisation is now almost a cliche. Our life…