More attention to the ground level realities. The social and economic and the panchayat level reforms are critical. These further details call for critical analysis on policy implementation. The revival of the economy seems to be very much dependent upon the agri sector. All other sectors, industry, infrastructure etc seem to be still in the…
Creating more jobs in agriculture!
It can only be a slow process! The very global surface, it seems, is one of vast barren land, stretching miles and miles of unending desert land, looking like newly discovered forests and uninhabited empty spaces or other desolate stretches. That never end. This is the impression I got recently after seeing a series of…
Indian agriculture on the way to recovery?
Agriculture is always a sensitive and therefore controversial field and every media outlet, be it the mainstream newspapers or specialist magazines have their own priorities. Today the entire world over we have a new crisis in farming looming large and that is this global level Covid-1 attack that had crippled societies and economies. The new…
Freedoms and the rights of the citizens face many dangers and threats in today’s democracies!
So, what future for the media freedoms?Media’s many roles. Recharging todayMedia freedoms are under stress India is a large democracy and in a democracy media plays a critical role. Even media itself has grown in its many new developments. After the advent of internet and the Information Technology’s revolution, the social media growth today we…
Taking agriculture online
A paradigm shift and its time are here and now! The much-dreaded Covid 19 virus menace is here . We in India and the rest of the world are in the midst of this crisis. The only consolation, if we can call this time a consolation is that other more developed countries are equally in…
India-China Face-Off
The economic, political and strategic implications The latest military flare-up between China and India is very unfortunate, to put it very mildly. The carefully built-up friendly relationship, inspite of several provocations to the contrary, stands shattered and a new era of co-existence has to be built up between the two neighbours, two giants of countries…
Online Agriculture!
How to revive the Indian agriculture? These current economic scenarios is far from any certainty and predictability. There are many challenges, from the external challenges and the internal turmoil. Of course, the economic and political issues, in the best of times or worst of situations are always very complex and complicated. That is why in…
To draw up well-thought out higher education policy
Date : 15.06.2020 Shri Ramesh Pokhriyal Nishank Hon’ble Minister of HRD 302-C, Shastri Bhawan, New Delhi- 110001 Phones:+91-11-23782698/23782387 +91-11-23382365 (FAX) E-mail: Sub: To draw up well-thought out higher education policy – reg: Dear Hon’ble Minister, Namaskar, I had not long ago written a letter to your good self regarding the activation of library system…