Private initiatives are making waves in the Indian scheme of politics and national life? It is good that the Bangalore-based government and private partnership in culture promotion, namely, the Bangalore Habba was postponed in the wake of the Mumbai terrorist attacks. The mood in the country is not suited for any celebrations of sorts. It is…
Not again business as usual, please!
Some more heads must roll! What L.K.Advani did in not attending the all party meeting is unbecoming of an Opposition Prime Ministerial candidate! In the post attack period, we have seen the first-ever deep-felt anger over the government’s poor governance, poor preparedness in spite of the warnings before hand. Also, we see the same-old mindset…
Leading the Teachers Agitation in Chennai 1972
I was elected as the Member of the Madras Legislative Council (MLC) from the graduates constituency consisting of Coimbatore, Salem, Nilgiris and Dharmapuri districts in 1968. I led the the teachers agitation in Chennai and was arrested for the same. This photo was taken just after the arrest.
Talking with R.K Narayanan
I came to know him through his relationship with Coimbatore. I had been attracted by some of his hitherto unnoticed and unpublicized side of the man. He was down right a serious man who commented on serious character failures of the Indian people. This particularly attracted me to meet him in Coimbatore and Chennai. This…
With Mulkraj Anand
This was taken with Mulkraj Anand at Mahabalipuram near Chennai in 1985. I became acquainted with Mulkraj Anand in the early 1980s. He became my friend and mentor who inspired me to do diverse kinds of activities from education to rural development.
Dom Moraes
I knew Dom from his Oxford and London days. I became acquainted with him more intimately during his Bombay years. This photo was taken at his Colaba residence
With Ashok Thapar – a friend at New College, Oxford
This photo was taken in 1967 at New Delhi when I was working at the All India Congress Committee under Kamaraj, Atulya Ghosh and Sadiq Ali. Ashok was with at New College, Oxford during 1959-61.
Meeting Deve Gowda
In conversation with Deve Gowda. the then Chief Minister of Karnataka, 1996.