A country’s media industry scene gives its civilisation and culture!How our media sector is doing? The size, ownership, funding and the freedoms a media enjoys decides the purity of the media service. Not all countries enjoy great reputations in the media industry. We, in India, inherited a great media tradition from our British colonial association….
By KAUSTAV BHATTACHARYYA There was maintained a calibrated detachment from the humdrum world of politicking. Rather the philosophical abstract world of ideas of politics was acceptable and welcomed. Apart from playing sophisticated games, enjoying music there was the pleasure of devouring good cuisine. The culinary heritage and tradition of Piedmontese exclusive clubs is worth the…
The three new agriculture-related Bills!
India has to change and specifically Indian agriculture sector has to change radically in many ways. Today the politics in India is so polarised that even if you want to make any honest and even innocent pronunciation it is suspect and mistaken in terms of the highly polarised politics. And let us not forget for…
Indian agriculture at the cross roads!
Our farmers must enjoy the benefits of new technological revolutions in not only cultivation but also marketing and realising higher incomes.New Bills would only facilitate modernisation of out-moded practices!Prime Minister’s assurance of doubling of farmers incomes must be made a reality very soon! Why there is continuation of farmers’ agitations in Punjab and Haryana. Not…
Print media and the digital media in a Covid dictated world.
Learning the online work culture!It is a totally new experience!It seems a long way indeed! One new learning is that sometimes big changes, be it high tech or even simple things come not by inventions and innovations they seem to come in a very sudden, brutal physical changes or happenings. The coming of the Covid…
India’s place in the world !
Why the world is so complicated?We seem to be living in a civilised and yet a contradictory world! Everywhere, from USA to China. Rulers are doing things that don’t seem to make s sense! Why China is antagonising large parts of the world? In Hong Kong, Taiwan and South China sea? As these lines are…
By KAUSTAV BHATTACHARYYA “The House of Savoy which led the Unification movement of Italy became the ruling dynasty of Italy and ended up being the prime kingdom from 1861 until 1946. In 1946 the Monarchy was abolished in Italy. The affiliation with the House of Savoy bestowed upon the Piedmontese ‘Nobility’ a special prestige and…
Agriculture revival needs further attention to micro level fine-tuning
More attention to the ground level realities. The social and economic and the panchayat level reforms are critical. These further details call for critical analysis on policy implementation. The revival of the economy seems to be very much dependent upon the agri sector. All other sectors, industry, infrastructure etc seem to be still in the…