People must get at the truth fully! PM’s talk of rate of growth, convening of teams and a lackluster image no inspiration! Terror strikes India in a massive way! Shakes our confidence and our collective response needs some hard questioning! Is the government as it has responded enough of a guarantee for future security? It…
Author: V.Isvarmurti
Wars and peaces!
What chances for freedoms today? Human rights ensured or violated in today’s world? Sunny summer? Or, a winter of discontent or despair? Thoughts on our freedoms and security! The day and the time when the leaves glow yellow and golden when the sun shines! Where are our freedoms today? What are the freedoms we…
Photography as an art comes to the forefront!
There have been somehow a good many number of books on the art of photography and also photographic exhibitions are on the rise lately. In Bangalore, I visited two photo exhibitions, all top class, French names I forget but I remember Cartier Bresson’s widow curating one and two other Frenc names. One Mr.Poddar is single…
How much culture matters?
Private initiatives are making waves in the Indian scheme of politics and national life? It is good that the Bangalore-based government and private partnership in culture promotion, namely, the Bangalore Habba was postponed in the wake of the Mumbai terrorist attacks. The mood in the country is not suited for any celebrations of sorts. It is…