Shameful Flight, The Last Years of the British Empire in India,pp 231,OUP, 2006, where historic photos mislead us! India’s Partition and why we feel shy to avoid the topic? This book by a serious scholar of India’s modern history, an authoritative writer on Gandhi and Jinnah has now produced a book that would give us,…
Author: V.Isvarmurti
Appoint a Cabinet Minister for Culture!
Bifurcate the HRD Ministry! We need a bold new culture policy to preserve our ancient heritages and to project our contemporary brand image. Before I write about anything else this time, I have to mention two events, one exciting, one saddening. The exciting this is about the archeological discoveries in Athens, Greece, where they have…
Education? The competitive pressures, not silly principles!
Yes, that makes for elite education in Delhi! Our School Curriculum must be raised to international standards. Reading India’s English language papers, we mean at least some of the widely read ones by the elite, could be quite disheartening! Delhi society, the very core of the power wielders, seems very brutal and ruthless when it…
Corporate hospitals and public health
Ombudsman must be posted in big hospitals There is much concern about the lack of health facilities for the vast majority of the poor. Government hospitals are suspect to be lack of quality medical service. There has been a rapid growth of big, high-tech corporate hospitals in India. Apollo had been a pioneer. So too…
Equality in education? Forget it!
Class divisions in education:we are just silent! Equality is a great illusion! In India we have been fed by our leaders from the Freedom struggle days that we will create a democracy and there will be equality of opportunities for all. Yes, our Constitution is a great document and it had proved its worth. We…
New Curriculum:for students or teachers?
The New Curriculum 2005 and the Old of 2000 have created some earthquakes of sorts in the Indian education sector. In India constitutes a class of people who have been molded in the Macualay education model and also given the way Indian middle class had grown in the pre and post-Independent India there is no…
National Curriculum 2005
Raises very disturbing questions! 300 academics and seven long months. And now we have a New Curriculum Framework of 125 pages dense text! Globalisation had accelerated the process of Westernisation, modernisation and also make us to face the knowledge acquisition an international type of using reason and science and the tools of knowledge like logic…
Happiness and money. What makes people happy?
Can education give us happiness? Nature, the most respected high science research journal of some 200 odd years old is a delightful tool for knowledge. Our Central government has constituted a Knowledge Commission! We are not sure who conceived the idea! Whoever had conceived it,the Commission has a daunting task to provide India and the…