R.K Narayan, the internationally renowned writer of English novels was a long time friend of Isvarmurti. They used to meet at Coimbatore and Madras and discuss various topics besides literature. There emerged a close relationship and understanding.Infact R.K Narayan’s in-laws were living in Coimbatore and were friends of Isvarmurti. Thus the relationhip was more than…
Author: V.Isvarmurti
Thakhazhy Sivashankara Pillai, 1966
Thakhazhy , is the literary luminary of modern Malayalam literature. Isvarmurti knows Thakhazhy very well. He invited him to be his guest in Coimbatore in 1966 and organised literary meets with Tamil and other language writers in the city.
Amartya Sen
What will be his legacy ? Sen enjoys now a deservedly high reputation in the international economic expert circles.With more and more economists winning the Nobel Prizes in the subject the subject itself is changing so fast. How Sen’s place in the economics discipline will be remembered?
Nehru’s visit to Santinektan, 1959
Rare photograph showing Pandit Nehru along with Professor Satyan Bose (the Einstein-Bose Theory of Statistics fame) who was Vice Chancellor of Visva Bharati. Other promiment person in the photo is Professor Tan Yun Shan, founder of Cheena Bhawan. Isvarmurti (third from left front row) is standing next to Prof Bose.
Receiving the Visva Bharati Univerity Degree, 1958
Pandit Nehru was the Chancellor of Visva Bharati University, Santiniketan. V.Isvarmurti was at Santiniketan between 1955-59. Pandit Nehru would visit every year and stay at Santineketan for few days each time.
All India Congress Committee Office, New Delhi, 1967
This photo was taken in front of the All India Congree Committe office at 7, Jantar Mantar Road, New Delhi in 1967. Isvarmurti was assigned the task of writing the congress party pamphlets for the Congress Party during the General Elections in 1967. During this time Atulya Ghosh was the Congress Party treasurer and…
With MGR – Former CM. Tamil Nadu
M.G R (M. G Ramachandran) was at his peak fim career in the year 1972. Isvarmurti’s friendship started from this time onwards. It continued when MGR rose to become the Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu for 10 years. This photo taken in New Delhi where Isvarmurti met him.
With Dom Moraes – around 1985
Dom Moraes – one year senior to V.Isvarmurti at Oxford- won fame as a young poet in English language at the age of 19. His friendship with Isvarmurti started from those days and continued in India.