Not long ago on a visit to Delhi, I chanced upon Jaswant Singh, the former foreign minister under Vajpayee at the India International Centre, on the Lodi Road. It was nice to see a very urbane and erudite man, I thought. I had read his books, the latest being his deeply moving autobiography and I…
Author: V.Isvarmurti
Asian nations and India
India must have its own well-defined foreign policy! India must have its own well-defined self-perception! China will always be our troublesome neighbour and big brother Mr.Pranab Mukerjee, our foreign minister made a recent visit to China. What did he do there and what did he achieve? Not much. There are criticisms in the press that…
India’s future vision
Sonia Gandhi has considerably lowered the image of India Manmohan Singh collaborated in this fall of India’s image and democratic credentials I think it was some time in the year 1965. I was then very much active in politics and I used to be in New Delhi off and on. I used to be associated…
World food crisis draws leaders to Rome!
Thirty seven countries in the world have seen food riots and social unrest! The urban poor have been hard hit, a new historic experience! All time high prices rice, wheat and dairy products! The price of rice had doubled in one year, the other crops, wheat, soya bean and sugar and dairy products have seen…
Grass roots realities!
Jyoti Basu criticises Sonia Gandhi! Will Prakash Karat lad behind? He takes on the Maoist rebels for the woes of West Bengal! Do these persons understand rural India? Rural realities? Zilla Parishads are a must to end the British days-type exploitation and oppression of the people by the government machinery. Change the names of the…
What Mahatma Gandhi could’nt do? What Pandit Nehru could’nt achieve?
The painful thoughts of the British empire syndrome The Raj Syndrome by Suhash Chakravarty,Rupa,2007 pp 400. Revisiting 1857 Myth,Memory,History,Rolli Books,2007 Leonard Woolf A Life by Victoria Glendinning London,2006,pp 526 The thoughts here all raise highly emotional and highly controversial thoughts and throw up conflicting images as I look at India as a country and people…
Is the government committed to agriculture sector?
What Mr.Sharad Pawar is doing? Where the PM’s expertise? Do these gentlemen and the hon’ble lady or ladies care for the poor and the rural people? Now, everyone in the government and outside knows that there is a food-prices-driven inflation and there is an element of helplessness and a lot of desparation. Rightly so. So…
Distortion of the Indian polity reaches unacceptable levels!
High Constitutional Authorities devalued! All Constitutional proprieties bypassed! All for whom? In whose interest? Such questions come at once when we see how steadily and unmistakably our great Constitution is being subverted from inside the very system. Prime Minister downsized and almost insulted by his senior colleagues! We have reached a stage in our political…