A rare moment of triumph for India’s democracy! A rare assertion of Indian patriotism! A vote for India’s unity of spirit and resolve! A demonstration of the collective consciousness of the people Cutting across regions and religions and over-coming the many divisions and small-mindedness of small-time politicians and the conspirators! Who gains and who loses?…
Author: V.Isvarmurti
Indian democracy reaches for a new paradigm shift?
Unprincipled opportunists, all? Opportunistic Communists to prop up Mayawati as the next Prime Ministerial candidate! Yes, it looks like an open season for the unprincipled politicians of India. Even the veterans, the former Prime Minister and the CPI veterans are forgetting that history won’t forgive and forget! They are expected to show the right path,…
President Pratibha Patil’s speech at the ICAR
Subject the ICAR to social adutdit! By farmers bodies! Even high ceremonial speeches must shed cliches and get to the more earthy and ground level realities! There was this ceremony to lay the foundation stone for the ICAR auditorium in the name of C.Subramaniam. And another to commemorate Annasheb P.Shinde, the two who presided over…
Promoting music and dance!
Amjad Ali Khan says Every state capital in India should have a cultural complex Like London’s South bank Centre or Carnegie Hall, New York One can’t say it any better! One can’t excel also the Western countries when it comes to culture and what it means culture promotion. Amjad Ali Khan is a great Indian…
Arjun Singh doesn’t have a clue to how to reform the higher education system!
Mr.Arjun Singh, the HRD minister, in his position for the second time. A two-term HRD minister must be seen as a man with a vision and a mission. The minister doesn’t display both these assets. All we can hope to remember about the minister is his penchant for playing his card as a pro-Marxist minister….
Indo-US nuclear deal would make India a stronger economic power!
Jyoti Basu’s stance is unpardonable! Jyoti Basu must put India’s supreme interests above party line! Even to be seen as Mr.Somnath Chatterjee is seen with a stoic silence after his return and consultation with Jyoti Basu, even for a day or two, seems to us, as unjustifiable. Thank god, the Speaker had seen wisdom not…
Ashis Nandy’s provocative views and the Supreme Court intervention!
Much of Nandy’s language is fine but the insights are not wisdom enough! Prof.Ashis Nandy is a high profile academic. He is variously described as psycho-analyst and political psychologist. I don’t really know much to make any distinction between the two disciplines. With this confession, let me say what he has done to clarify what…
V.K.R.V.Rao’s birth centenary celebrated!
What is the status of the Social Sciences in India? Why we have forgotten to teach the Political Science? Is it not the king of the social sciences? Gandhi, Nehru and Indira Gandhi legacy we talk about! But we don’t analyse and articulate their legacies or their political ideologies! Some peculiar Indian legacy! In Bangalore,…