Our Parliament is a great institution but lately, its debates and discussions are much distorted. And there it’s less light and more heat and a great Parliamentary institution must adhere to certain norms and decorum. In the recent Parliamentary debates, there was much heat and saber-rattling between the BJP and the Congress party members, especially between Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Rahul Gandhi on the issues of too much favoritism for the private corporates and departures from established norms in the allocation of resources and much else and even the name-calling of big names, Ambani and Adani were frequently dragged in.
Why this heat and name-calling and much distortion of facts and truth?
The Prime Minister in fact came out openly and explained his stand. The PM said that private wealth creators are needed for accelerating the economic growth in order to attack poverty and the need for reaching the many of the priority growth goals and much else.Mr.Gandhi was unsparing in using vehement language and said in a more simplistic a language and his vehemence at times seemed rather excessive for a Parliamentary debate that needed certain fineness and restraint so that such weighty themes like democratic values and doctrines command wider attention of the House.
As for the government’s exposition of democratic adherence to policy refinements and changes, it is only imperative to point out to the government’s spokesmen and even independent minded members of the House that some detailed and in-depth exposition and understanding of political history and why even economic history can be of some relevance.
Economic history of the modern period shows that capitalism, that is private sector economy grew over the last many years, more so after the Second World War came mainly through the government-supported economic aid from the US government and other sources and that is also how many new institutions like the World Bank and International Monetary Fund(IMF) came into being and the world economic recovery took place in Europe.
As for India, the story is very different and even in the private sector the so-called Bombay Plan was promoted by certain Bombay capitalists. The Five year Plan’s story must also be told in this context. As for the economic development in Independent India we also know how the PSU-promoted economic development took place and thanks to our Five Year Plans India today is a fairly strong nation in economic and social developments and the full story is here for all to see and form their own opinion.
With all the controversies of today India is a very strong nation on the world forums and we are a valued international power both in political diplomatic sphere as well as in very many other international areas. India today is a global power, right?
Though we have a long way to go and establish our credentials as a world power both in terms of our democratic and diplomatic credentials.As for our inherent strengths we have not yet realised fully our own other strengths and have in recent times over played our hands as we have done with our outreach to the USA.
How shallow have been our over-enthusiasm to expose our lack of depth in going too far to embrace the hugs and other show of shallow friendship. Our foreign relationship with countries have to be based on certain firm principles and there is much to learn and refine our diplomatic expertise.
Our selection of ambassadors and representatives to the UN and other high profile positions must be based on great expertise and experience and the government must send out real talents and much gifted personnel and not career seekers and time servers.
Capitalism is not inherently an evil at all, not a bad word and there can’t be faster economic development without private investment and we have to engage and support private investors and entrepreneurs and Mr.Rahul Gandhi’a intemperate words must be dismissed as inappropriate!
As for democracy the Parliament and its various bodies must start afresh the old time attempts to train and give new orientations to newly elected MPs and others various Parliamentary procedures so that the Hon’ble Members come to play a more enlightened role in the day to day functioning of the great institution that is even otherwise bringing lot of new glory and great respect to the country and our people.